Thursday, June 12, 2008

Newborn Sessions

Here's some additional info on newborn sessions - you may bring your sweet little bundle joy to my place or I can come to your home - it's up to you. Some people have their nursery done up super cute and want photos taken there - that's OK by me! The timing is up to you - I will photo as young as 8 days old and up. The first 6 weeks is the perfect time to capture their super small, wrinkled, scrunchy bodies.

Just be sure you have the following items for your session:

A few different blankets (2-3) some of which we will use for a background
extra diapers
a boppy pillow if you have one (don't go buy one just for the session)
pretty hands (yea, your hands might be in the photo so paint those nails girls!)
anything extra that your baby loves (stuffed animal, a hat, football, etc.)

That should do it! Give little kisses to your baby from their "aunty Tara" :)

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